Sunday, January 11, 2009

Princess Tai Ping Video Clips

The URL below points to various video clips of Nelson, the captain/owner of Princess TaiPing, and Angela, his partner. It is in Chinese but It will nevertheless give you a feel of what the Princess TaiPing is about. Along the bottom are scenes which allow you to jump into various parts of the video. If you go to one of the rightmost clips, one showing Nelson on the standing on the right, Angela seated on the left in front of a laptop, and a whiteboard behind them on the upper left, you'll see photos of the route that Princess TaiPing has sailed and various stages of her construction.

I had lunch aboard the Princess TaiPing today with Nelson, Angela, Hugh, and the 1st mate who is a wonderful person but unfortunately does not speak much English. The crew had visited the home of a Chinese university professor the night before, who I am told was the grandson of the first Chinese immigrant to be given citizenship in Hawaii. I was treated to lunch of the chicken and spare ribs that they brought back from the banquet, over rice, stir-fried cabbage, and broccoli. I kid you not the spare ribs and chicken were so tender that I ate them with chopsticks. The only time that I used my hands was to separate two rib bones to get to the meat in between. It was Delicious!

The Chinese are wonderful people. I became aware of that during my visit to Hong Kong in the mid 1980's. I will miss Nelson, Angela, Hugh, and the rest of the crew.

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