Sunday, February 1, 2009

Aloha Tower

Two days ago we visited the Aloha Tower and the Maritime Museum nearby.

The Aloha Tower is amidst a large and attractive market place that includes restaurants, gift shops, etc. You can find a brief description of it at We took the elevator to the observation level at the 10.

The top three photos are of the Honolulu/Waikiki skyline which we think has been blessed with good architecture.

The second photo is looking toward Waikiki in the background. In the lower part of the photo you can see the four-masted The Falls of Clyde next to the maritime museum. (See

The Falls of Clyde was built in 1878 and has an interesting history. (See We know that there was an attempt to scuttle her in 1963, and although she was declared a US national historic landmark in 1989 there was another recent attempt to scuttle her and turn her into an underwater reef. Happily, support for her was rallied and she is to be refurbished.

The fourth photo is of a plane taking off from the reef runway of Honolulu International Airport. Pearl Harbor is beyond it and to the right.

I took the bottom photo from the side of the traffic bridge between the Aloha Tower and the maritime museum. It is nothing less than a thriving reef with exotic fish and growing coral, right in the middle of Honolulu Harbor. Perhaps somebody can blow up the photo (2 left clicks of the mouse button) and send in a comment on how many fish there are.


  1. well, on three clicks I got to 42 fish...but could have been more!!
