Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brenda Back To Australia

Brenda left for Australia aboard an Air New Zealand flight last night. By now she should have finished her 8-hour layover in Auckland and be winging her way directly to Perth.

The Accompanying photos are of good byes with various crew of the Princess TaiPing: Hugh bidding farewell at the laundry, Angela, a group shot that includes Angela and Lao Tang, and Captain Nelson and Angela. Unfortunately I got the camera out too late to capture Carey, Wally, and Sherri.

Brenda seems to have enjoyed these last four weeks in Honolulu very much and I am sure that she found it difficult to say goodbye to the many friends and acquaintances that she made here. Unfortunately I've got my own difficulties ahead of me. The Princess TaiPing with her wonderful crew sail for Saipan in less than one week, and too soon after that I'll have to say my own goodbye to The Fuel Dock and move on.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm back to write the next wgp report....perhaps. Be sad leaving after 4 wonderful weeks.
