Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 1 at Port Townsend

Fortunately the wind settled down and the anchor held last night and I had a good night of rest.

Arnold and I had agreed to meet at 11 AM so at 10.30 I took the Zodiac into the harbor and did a did a reconnaissance of the area by water, visiting both boat lift facilities. I visited the marina office and got some useful information then met Arnold. We then visited the boatyard office and I learned more about the rules and procedures and picked up some forms to fill out.

Arnold and I were both impressed with this boating facility. It is Opua on a bigger scale. By this I mean that in the one precinct within easy walking distance is just about every boating skill that one could want. There are also some eating places and a watering hole. Across the street there is a big Safeway grocery store and various restaurants. Arnold and I had a long cup of coffee at a local cafe then headed to his home where I visited for the afternoon. It was good to see Sandra, Denver the Dog, and the house. Sandra prepared a fine Salmon dinner and Arnold drove me back to Port Townsend well before dark (which is about 9 PM).

In the cockpit I found a note from Ryan. He, Danny, and Bob had arrived in Sonrisa from Honolulu the previous day, as I had, but did not see me when they arrived no doubt because I arrived pretty late in the day. Anyway, they were moving on because they have jobs go get back to and must have noticed Pachuca on the way out and motored over to leave the note. I'll be in the area until September and we have each other's contact details so our paths may cross soon.

Arnold will make the hour-long drive back to Port Townsend tomorrow morning and help me tie the boat at the jetty in front of the lifter. It won't be a straight forward task because there is a big steel column every 40 ft for the floating jetty and I've got to tuck the boat between two of them.

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