Friday, July 31, 2009

Pachuca Back In The Water

I was given all of 20 minutes notice that Pachuca would be lowered into the water this morning. I was the only person on standby who was ready so I got the hoist. Pachuca had been on the hardstand for about 34 days.

Fortunately I was assigned a berth right on the fairway leading to the lift. There was a gentle wind from slightly starboard of the bow. When the slings freed me I asked the lift driver to pull my stern to his side, my starboard, with his boat hook. I then gave the boat a bit of reverse and the prop walk moved the stern to port. As I drifted back the wind would move the bow to port and I would give the boat a short burst of reverse to bring the stern to port. I got about 3 boat lengths downwind of the berth then I drove forward and eased into the berth on the port side of the fairway. Brenda was in position on the jetty, took my lines, and also reminded me to put out my fenders, which were inboard and all ready to be put over the side. The whole thing was calm and drama free.

Late in the afternoon I tried to connect to the power and found out that the jetty has 30-amp plugs whereas the hardstand area had 20-amp plugs. I will try to organize a 30-amp plug tomorrow.

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