Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bedwell Harbor

Bedwell Harbor is a fine natural harbor with plenty of anchoring space. The center of activity are the resort and the hotel. Both places have been very helpful to us.

At the resort they exchaged our US dollars for enough loonies for showers and laundry. We had lunch over white wine at the hotel terrace overlooking the harbor, and now here I am on the third floor at a luxurious desk using their computer to send this blog.

The top photo shows the use of the small webtop computer while under way. If you zoom in on the chart plotter you will see that Canada (at the left of the screen) is not shown in detail because I did not want to fork out another $400 for another chart cartridge to use for only a week or two. We are using C-Map on the webtop. It is resting on a cushion to protect it from the engine vibrations.
The chart plotter is still useful for a gross picture of where we are, for anchor watch, and for plotting the AIS targets.
The second and third photos are of the anchorge, taken from Pachuca.
The fourth photo from the top shows the Customs jetties and the Customs house on the right.
The second-last photo shows Pachuca, the anchored boat at the extreme right.
I took the last photo from the terrace where we had lunch.
We had relatively high winds last night and in the early morning, up to 18 knots according to my instrument. The anchor held well with 33 meters of chain out in 12 meters of water.
We expect to leave very early in the morning to make the long stretch to Vancouver in one go, with the help of the current.

1 comment:

  1. " Loonies", it's nice you use the proper description for our money. LOL. Did you get twoonies as well?

    Greg T.
