Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Days 15 and 16 -Dieter and Angelika

On the afternoon of our second day at False Creek we met Dieter and his wife Angelika at the dinghy dock under the Cambie Bridge. I had met Dieter at Hilo and then saw him again at Ala Wai boat harbor in Honolulu over a period of about 3 months, during which time Brenda met him. It was good to see Dieter again and I was looking forward to discussing with him our Pacific Ocean crossings. After greeting Angelika I introduced her to Brenda and soon we were off on a visit to their home.

Before dinner Brenda and I had showers, a hospitality that all experienced cruisers will understand. Dieter took me upstairs to the work room and showed me how to use the Canadian current tables then gave me very good information on entering and cruising the Gulf Islands. After a splendid dinner over red and white wines and plenty of interesting conversation it was time to return to Pachuca.

The next morning at 11 AM Dieter and Angelika picked us up and gave us a comprehensive tour of the Vancouver area from False Creek to Horseshoe Bay on Howe Sound, where we had lunch. After lunch we had a walk of about two hours in the heavily wooded Lighthouse Park. Dieter and I tended to talk about boating while Brenda and Angelika other common interests. During the walk Brenda saw her first squirrel and later, at Stanley Park, saw her first raccoons. At the end of the day Brenda and I felt that we had good grasps of the layout and features of the Vancouver area. There is no substitute for good local knowledge for learning about a city.

When we said our good byes I felt that we had all had an enjoyable two days, and Brenda and I were certainly grateful for the wonderful hospitality of these two fine people.

The top photo is of the four of us at Horseshoe Bay.

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