Friday, August 28, 2009

More Photos from Vancouver

These photos were sent by Angelika.

approaching the dinghy dock - False Creek

Spanish Banks

Spanish Banks - Lighthouse Park at top centre

B.&R. surveying howe Sound

Brenda looking at Point Grey

Stanley Park - Prospect Point raccoon

The whole family


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  3. Hi Robert...trying to get the hang of posting on here...anyway thought i would mention that the above photos don't display for some reason -- thought you would want to know. It was great seeing you and Brenda and we really enjoyed the day. Smooth sailing and with best wishes, Nigel and Patrick.

  4. It looks like someone is trying to hotlink the photos directly from gmail. I'm sure the photos could be made to work if you told us your username and password. :P

  5. Photos can now be seen on the take two posting...thanks.
