Saturday, August 15, 2009

NW Cruise - Day 8

Echo Bay, Sucia Is. In the morning we did some research and planning on the trip to Vancouver and after lunch we took the long walk along the north side of Sucia Island to Ewing Bay. From there we could see industrial (looked like petrochemicals) and residential sights on the mainland across the Strait of Georgia, which I had not expected and reminded me of how close we really were to "civilization".

We saw a boat flying a small USA courtesy flag, a gigantic French flag much higher up, and a large French flag off its stern. French pride is understandable and even laudable, but the breach of courtesy and protocol sent a different message to me. Unfortunately an Australian boat wasn't much better. Yesterday we saw a yacht in Shallow Bay flying a large Australian flag and none other. For me seeing another Australian-flagged boat should have been an occasion of joy but that breach of protocol left me somewhat embarrassed.

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1 comment:

  1. I had a few surprises today too. Visit from Stephen with a special notebook to record all my happenings prior to appointments. Booked into Milroy Lodge till 30 October!!! But like your forms a few things to sort with the government!!
