Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 30 - Port Angeles

We woke up to a cloudy day with wind at about 10 kt from the west. The weather report spoke of small boat warnings in the area for the next two days, with winds from the SE and S in Admiralty Inlet from 15 kt to 25 kt at various times. We did not relish the idea of turning into Admiralty Inlet with a 2.8 kt following current and a 20 kt wind on the nose, so we elected to spend the next two days safely tucked in at Port Angeles until the winds moderate, probably on Monday, the day after tomorrow. The lessons of Eden (where the expected bad weather was a day late so I stupidly decided to move the boat from the sheltered side of Two Fold Bay back to the town jetty where we got clobbered big time) and Spencer Gulf (where Arnold, Reg, and I got hammered for two days after I stupidly (again) accepted some local advice to set off SE for the Gulf of St Vincent against an expected strong SE wind), are ones that I will never forget.

The top photos show Pachuca at anchor in Port Angeles.

The bottom photo shows the calmness of the water in the Strait of Juan de Fuca in our passage from Victoria to Port Angeles. I think that it justifies the description of "oily".

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