Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Photos From Passage to Pt Townsend

The first two photos show the Boomer under escort in the shipping channel on the way to Pt Townsend.

The bottom photo show Captain Robert in full battle dress (i.e. wet weather boots, trousers, coat, and beanie) on the cold and damp passage from Pt Angeles to Pt Townsend.

I learned today that while we waited out the recent bad weather in Pt Angeles in relative comfort Pt Townsend got hit hard by the first strong southerlies of the season. Three boats dragged anchor and wound up on the beach. Then later in the day Shannon at Pt Townsend Rigging told me that people she knew took off on in their sail boat for a two-week cruise, got caught in the strong current as they were leaving the bay without being aware of the serious cross track error, and slammed hard into a buoy doing serious damage to the hull and rigging. Shannon says that it would have been like running into a brick wall. Bad week for boating in Pt Townsend.

Today I reestablished contact with Mark, Seth, and Zee at Seashore Marine and we discovered that we were a few parts short for doing the head gasket job. I've emailed a request for the parts. There are other issues about part number nomenclature and I have sent an email to Norway.

I called Kelsey at Pt Townsend Sails. The genoa is ready. Tomorrow I will remove the mainsail and exchange it for the genoa. Hopefully the mainsail will be ready in a week.

The Brenda and I visited Shannon at Pt Townsend Rigging. No problem, I may borrow the company pickup truck to take the mainsail to the sail loft, as well as their cart for moving the sail from the boat to the pickup. Great people here in Port Townsend

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