Sunday, September 13, 2009

PTWBF - Day 2

During the middle day of the Boat Festival we did a bit of souvenir shopping then attended one-hour talks. After watching a schooner race Brenda heard an interesting presentation by a Brazillian on on his experiences with building (in Australia) and sailing his boat.

I attended a talk on dealing with piracy. The speaker, Nancy Edey, had completed two circumnavigations of 5 years each with all-women crew. Of particular interest to me was her mentioning that her 19-ton boat is powered by a 20 HP SABB engine like mine. After her presentation I asked her about her engine and she said that she had no problem with it. I told her about my troubles and she said that Mark at Shoreline Diesel is a good man for the job. The second talk was a poor choice for me because it dealt with ropes and anchoring for very small boats. By the time I made my way from that talk to Nigel Calder's talk on anchoring the queue was so long that I figured that I would not make the cut into the small room and gave it a miss.

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