Tuesday, September 22, 2009


At 2 AM I got up and walked to the Safeways store to contact SABB Norway with Skype during their business hours. My anxieties about a language problem turned out to be unfounded. The telephone menu provided an English language option and the people I spoke with were easy to understand.

I spoke with Atle Lund, the person with whom I have been dealing with by email for several weeks. I explained my persistent mail-bounce problems with him but he said that they are not aware of any email problems at their end and they get hundreds of email messages a day. He did give the the telephone number of their email service provider and I might give them a call. [Note: I documented the problem and sent it to the provider's help desk.]

Anyway, we agreed that I would fax the order to him. When I mentioned the head for a SABB 2G engine it rang a bell and said that he thought that the order had been received. I gave him the quotation number. After some checking he confirmed that Mark's email dated 18 Sept had gotten through and the order is being processed. The parts will be sent by air to Port Townsend probably tomorrow.

This is all good. Time is moving on and we really need to clear the area before the first winter gales.

Three cheers for 24x7 free Safeways internet service and Skype.

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