Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Conditions Have Improved

At 5 PM I ventured on deck for a good look around. We had noticed that the boat had been sailing quieter and the wind numbers had dropped to around 20 kt and what I saw outside confirmed this. I went forward and saw that the headsail was happily working away with no evidence of stress or damage. The plow anchor was still firmly lashed to the Sampson posts. I then went to the bow and lifted the cover of the anchor well. It was dry, all of the way down. It appears that the two drain holes had not been able to cope with the enormous amounts of water pouring in around the lid, which was never designed to be water tight. I am happy to say that through it all there was no evidence of water seepage from the anchor well through the bulkhead to the V-berth area. I then went to the stern and freed the Rutland wind generator blades. Soon after turning the On switch below its familiar hum began to accompany us

This is the evening of Tuesday the 27th, just over 3 days out of Juan de Fuca. We are now approximately 325 direct distance miles from the entrance to Juan de Fuca and 407 nm from the entrance to San Francisco Bay. We are 135 nm off the Oregon Coast. We have 80 nm to cross Lat 42 N which will put us off the California coast.

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