Sunday, October 11, 2009

Farewell to Port Townsend

I arrived in Port Townsend about four months ago.

I've been fortunate enough to have seen much of what the area has to offer and met many of its terrific people. I am sure that there are many other fine places to live both in North America and abroad, but I find Port Townsend hard to beat. I have never seen a community with so much grass roots involvement of its people in all sorts of activities. The people whom I've met seem very happy to live here and I can see why. I would love living here myself.

The generosity that Brenda and I have experienced here has been amazing: offers of friendship, hospitality, advice, practical help, and even the loan of four-wheel drive truck until the end of our stay. It seems that wherever we go in this town we run into somebody that we know who says "Hi" and often has a chat. That has made us feel right at home.

Port Townsend has been a wonderful experience that we will never forget. We will miss it and leave with regret. But maybe leaving with regret is what this circumnavigation is about.

1 comment:

  1. Robert Did you log in your vacum gauge reading, at cruise RPM? Forgot to tell you you can check the gauge function by temporaly closing off the fuel supply while the engine is running. weather is getting nasty in CA. Did you find the site for the NOAA bouy reports? Did you get hooked up with campanera? Have a great trip. - Mark
