Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mailed Head

On Saturday morning I posted the second SABB head (I ordered 1, they sent 2.) back to Norway with a covering note at a cost of $93, which I thought reasonable. The package will arrive in a week and I expect the company to deposit the approximately $900 USD that they charged me for it directly into my bank account in Australia. I also stated that in the spirit of fairness they should also compensate me for some of the shipping costs associated with their mistake.

Brenda and I then visited West Marine where she purchased a wonderful and much-needed pre-birthday gift for me: a "Raiatea" 7x50 waterproof and nitrogen-filled (to prevent fogging) set of binoculars.

At the end of the day I realized that all of the last minute activity had caught up with me. I was not up to updating the blog or packing the boat for sailing. That evening we checked the weather report and were relieved to see that Monday will still be a good day for sailing, with 10-15 kt easterlies. Tuesday will be more interesting. We will make the jump from Port Angeles to Neah Bay with easterlies that will straighten to up to 35 kt due to the effects of a storm. It will be a following wind and I figure that we will do just fine with a rolled-in headsail.

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of that brand of binoculars but if Brenda bought them they must be classy! Seem pretty good if they are 7 x 50. Think of all the birds you will see at sea + dolphins etc...
