Sunday, October 11, 2009

Walk along Elwha River

Sue Hoover invited Brenda to join a group of women on a walk in the Olympic National Park. It was to be a 4-5 miles long and rated "easy" along the upper reaches of the Elwha River. Wednesday turned out to be a perfect day and the decision was made to walk a bit further.

The walk was led by Mary Grace. Others there were Mary Pat, Dianne, Colleen, Val, Katie, Carol, Michael, Sue, myself, and one other. To get to the trail head they passed two dams that are to be removed so that the river can again be used by Salmon for spawning.

The top photo shows lunch time. The second one shows the entire group having a break (Sue in the foreground). Further down is Sue the unabashed tree hugger.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the opposite to Australia???
