Thursday, November 5, 2009

Brenda's Travel Arrangement

This morning Brenda started fooling around the internet investigating air links to Australia and soon she got into a geeky mode that amazed me. With little help from me she booked a flight to Australia with Orbitz.

She flies to Vancouver on Air Canada on 1 December and after a short layover flies to Sydney where after another short layover she will board a Qantas flight for Perth. She is scheduled to land in Perth on Thursday 3 December at 1.55 PM.

But between tomorrow when we settle the boat down and the sad time of her departure we've got a lot of great things to do: friends to see, places to visit, and good cuisine to investigate.


  1. Oh no! Won't see you Brenda till the end of January. Strange to be back in Condingup!

  2. What's this about Brenda "fooling" around the internet and you are "amazed at her geeky mode". Brenda is very competent on the computer. I'll be pleased to see you home, but am sure you will be disappointed to leave the boat, Brenda, you really seem to be enjoying your self. You look so radiant in the photos.
