Thursday, November 5, 2009

Insurance Success

Frank Stevenson of AB Stevenson Insurance has set me up with a "Third Party" insurance policy that will meet the requirements of California marinas. The policy is for one year and good only within USA waters. The $500 cost will actually be $250 because I will make a first payment of $250 and I will cancel the policy before the second $250 is due.

Frank is not charging me brokerage fee because he has such good memories of visiting Townsville Qld with the US Navy in 1956 that he wants to return the good will. I protested that he needs to put food on his table and to please include his brokerage fee but his mind was made up. It's amazing how this good will has spanned a full 53 years!

But all is not lost. Frank and I have had good conversations about Australia and this circumnavigation (He has a 32-ft boat.) and I feel that we've become friends. We plan to meet for lunch next week. Lunch will be on me.

Frank will mail the insurance details to the Marina Bay Yacht Harbor ( and this afternoon I will try to make arrangements to move the boat tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Robert, Frank has waited for 53 to pay it forward, let the man manifest his destiny! With so much hatred in the world, how wonderful that this man has kept the wonderful experience of being in Townsville Qld all these years!
    Hugs, Nancy & Lynn
