Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jessica Watson

Grant and Anne Pitman, friends and fellow sailors from Western Australia, have sent to me the URL of the web site of Jessica Watson, the 16 year old Aussie girl who as attempting a solo circumnavigation in her S&S 34 Pink Lady.

Jessica departed from the east coast of Australia, crossed the equator east of the international date line, then turned S the SE heading for the Horn. At the moment she is about 2000 nm from the Horn and expects to make the rounding on about Jan 11.

Jessica obviously has good support and excellent on-board communication resulting in a lucid, concise, and entertaining web site with plenty of video clips at I have special interest in Jessica's story because I hope to round the Horn at about the same time next year and want to get a first-hand idea of what to expect; but I am sure that many others will find Jessica's story interesting.

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