Saturday, December 19, 2009

Visiting Port Townsend

I plan to drive to Port Townsend in Arnold's RX7 on Monday and return on Tuesday afternoon. A friend, Sue Hoover, has kindly offered to put me up for the night which avoids my having to drive back to Kingston on Monday night through possibly inclement weather.

My time in Port Townsend spanned four months and I am looking forward to seeing the people, the boats, the businesses, and the town again.

In the meantime I am enjoying a relaxing, lazy, and indulgent time with Arnold, Sandra, and Denver the Dog. (The two cats, Icepick and Indiana, are sort of in the background to me.) And what luxury to have plenty of space, warmth, secure Internet and cable TV at hand! There is nothing like the austerity of living on a boat to make one grateful for the modern creature comforts that normal people take for granted.

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