Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sailing Tomorrow

After the passage of a front with accompanying strong winds last night there appears to be an opportunity for our departure for San Diego tomorrow because high is establishing itself just south of us. There will be a swell of about 15 ft and a moderate west wind until the afternoon, when it is supposed to veer to the NW.

We plan to motor out at noon to catch the full strength of the ebb tide under the SF bridge at about 2.30 PM.

The boat is ready and so are we and all going well we hope to arrive in San Diego in 6 or 7 days. Our biggest problem will be light winds.

We will turn on our AIS and our progress can be monitored at http://ais3.siitech.com/VTSLite/AView.aspx. (Note that we can be monitored only near population centers along the coast.)

1 comment:

  1. Well done Robert and Arnold!

    It's 1400 PST on Wednesday and I see you are in Raccoon Straight abeam Angel Island making 6.1 kts over the ground.

    I've found an even better site to track your AIS when it's available.


    A right click of the mouse brings up the vessel details. I also took the liberty to upload a couple of photos of Pachuca to the site. You can no doubt provide an even better one.

    Bon voyage and fair winds on this leg!
