Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Departed from Ensenada

We had a pleasant departure from Ensenada Harbor.

Our plans were complicated by an unexpected opportunity. Peter was having his hull cleaned by a team using Hookah equipment and they asked if I wanted Pachuca's hull cleaned. The antifouling had been done in Port Townsend about 7 months earlier and it was in need of a cleanup. The job was done for $58 USD and I know that I will be arriving in the Sea of Cortez with a clean hull.

I had a go at finding the proper fittings for the new water filter but had no luck. Peter offered to drive me back to Home Depot and there I was able to do an exchange for some suitable fittings. Back at the boat I connected the hoses to the filter and topped up Pachuca's tanks with no problem.

Arnold in the meantime had done our laundry then took off on the bicycle looking for Corona beer and a few loaves of bread. He succeeded with the Corona but could not find in the short time that he had any place that sold bread.

It was 2 PM before Peter cast off our lines - two hours later than we had planned. He manhandled the boat out of the pen and used a line to pull the stern of the boat around so that we were facing out and ready to go.

After motoring out the harbor we put up the full mainsail and rolled out the entire jib to beat into 10 knots of apparent wind in calm seas. We had a splendid sail until shortly before dark when the wind had died down so much that we were forced to motor to get clear Cabo Punta Banda, a rocky spit of land. Once we were clear of that we turned the boat more to the south and tried to keep the boat moving on a beam reach with wind under 5 knots. It was going to be a long night of flogging rigging.

Our plan was to make for Bahia Colnett 57 miles south and drop anchor for the following night. It all depended on the wind.

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