Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More on the W. Australia Boom

A dear friend from Perth Australia has sent me his opinion of the Western Australia resources boom:

Thank you China, major buyer.
Manufacturer of cheap big flat screens.
And all the rest of cheap goodies in every Oz shop.
Thank you all to all cashed up Aussie mining workers buying flat screens for EACH ROOM,
and buying big
( and in turn squeezing out the working man out of the marinas) Puff - to that.
The local Oz manufacturer goes off-shore to the Xinhua factories, and laughing all the way to the bank.
New graduates and school leavers are lucky to have a job stacking supermarket shelves.
In Perth in boom time you could not get a mechanic to look under the hood.
( All were up North)
Migration Agents complain that Migration office takes too long - 12 ++ months - to process skilled migrants.
Sponsors of skilled migrants are complaining.
Where is the skill to build Oil rigs?
(from China and Korea, )
Wharf construction in Queensland is at a stand still.
China steel maker needs Queensland coal .
Mark my word -
Learn Chinese
"Please kind sir, may I clean your toilet for a small bowl of rice"
(and your mooring pen)
and bugger the Polar bears and melting glaciers .

Right On! V for VICTORy

1 comment:

  1. I am afraid this is not limited to Western Australia!
