Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pachuca on AIS

You can see where Pachuca is by clicking on

Once you are at that website you can either manipulate the map or expand the "Go to Port" tab at the left and work your way down and click on "[US] San Diego".

Then expand "Go to Vessel" on the left, work your way down the list, and click on "Pachuca". You will see details of the boat and a photo of Pachuca that some kind benefactor must have loaded up to the system. This seems to center the map over Pachuca because then you can zoom in using the Google map "+" button at the top left of the map until you can see the position of the boat.

Then click the "hybrid" button at the top right of the map and keep zooming in. You will see the exact slip where Pachuca is berthed, though it shows another boat.

You can use the pan arrows at the top left of the map to look at our surroundings. The big square roof is of the club house.

Ain't technology grand?

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