Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Still Waiting

I telephoned Colin today as he asked me but he had not heard from the people who are working on the SABB head. Because I do not have access to a mobile telephone I asked him to send me an email message when he wanted me to call.

In the mean time I got more excellent analysis and advice on my engine problem from two highly experienced and accomplished people in Australia. My problem is that the advice I have gotten from four different people with impeccable credentials is not totally consistent and sometimes contradictory. I am passing everything to Colin here who I must let make the decisions but I must admit that I do not expect to have a lot of confidence in the engine when it is fixed. That won't be Colin's fault because he is doing the best that he can with what he's got. I will certainly request that he checks out both injectors and new nozzles installed. However, I did tell him that I do not expect miracles from him and if in his opinion the result will be risky then I am ready to talk about a new engine.

I called Colin using a phone card that I purchased at The Dock cafe and it is such a short ride to the marina and the public phone is so easy to use that I'll forego the expense of purchasing a mobile telephone. Colin is very good with email and he can send me a message when he wants me to call.

I then went to Telcel and paid 500 pesos for another month of internet service, which kicks in on April 17. The convenience and utility of having internet on the boat makes it a bargain in my eyes.

At 6 PM I visited Noel and Jacky at Pyewacket for a few drinks and nibblies. David and his wife from the nearby catamaran were also there. It was fun talking about the places that we've been to and some of our sailing experiences. Like Arnold and myself, David's wife expressed disappointment with the Sea of Cortez and are ready to go. They've been around for a while, because I know that they spent all of last summer in La Paz and did not enjoy the heat. She and David enjoyed Puerto Escondido (near Loreto) but otherwise were disappointed with the anchorages and snorkeling. They plan to head south in about two weeks and it is likely that I will see them in Costa Rica.

Noel and Jacky plan to leave within a few days for Ecuador but will stop at Cocos Island after I told them about it and they did some research on it.

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