Sunday, May 30, 2010

Engine Side Drawing

I've had a go at using Photofilter to produce the accompanying image from one of my drawings. The dimensional inputs to the drawings were derived from my measurements and engine specifications supplied by Volvo. The drawings were produced to scale using the OpenOffice drawing package.

The available space in the engine compartment is in blue, with the upper boundary of the compartment not shown.

The Volvo engine is represented by the orange shapes. The pink blocks represents the engine mounts. The current engine beds are represented by the gray rectangle. Note that these engine beds go all the way down to the bilge. Also note that the new engine will have a backward tilt of only 4 degrees, with an angle gear supplying the other 8 degrees.

The engine was positioned in the compartment so that the coupling flange mates with the propeller shaft.

According to the drawing there will be clearances of 35mm (1.25") to the bilge, 155mm (6.1") to the front of the compartment, and 320mm (12.6") to the top of the compartment.

It looks like we could raise the engine thereby reducing engine bed modification by moving it forward and extending the drive shaft in some way (probably by replacement).

This is the most accurate drawing that I could produce and it should be within 15mm of reality. Let's hope that the actual installation bears this out.

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