Sunday, May 23, 2010


This morning I put the finishing touches on the engine compartment drawings and emailed them to Mark for review.

The cylinder ran out of gas while I was cooking so I switched over to the smaller Australian cylinder that I had not used since Hawaii. The gas company in Honolulu had refused to refil it because it was not made in the USA. Carey at The Fuel Dock to her credit would have refilled it except that the cylinder was out of date, so I could not blame her. I've been hoarding that small cylinder all of this time - about a year! - as an emergency backup and to my delight it still had plenty of pressure. I will see if I can get that Aussie cylinder refilled here in La Paz. The large cylinder that is empty was filled in San Francisco so I can't complain about its capacity.

I then prepared a USB flash drive with material that I will show Neil at the marina tomorrow.

Included in the flash drive will be:
- my two drawings of the engine
- photos of the engine compartment
- drawings of the Volvo engine
- installation manuals in English and Spanish
- a shipment list

I will also take a plan of Pachuca that somehow has survived the years. I will have it scanned somewhere and store it as a JPEG file for easy distribution.

Fortunately CCC is open on Sundays so I was able to have a good walk and come back with all sorts of fruit and vegetables. On the way back I purchased 3 punnets of fresh strawberries.

At 4 PM I decided to relax for a while after two hard days of working until after sunset. I had a cooling and relaxing dip in the water then a fresh water bath in the cockpit complete with shampoo. For tonight it would be an early meal and an early bed time.

I checked my Sailmail for the first time in weeks and found three messages from Jackie and Noel. They made it to Ecuador on Pyewacket after 20 days of sailing and a 3 day stop at Cocos. They had gear failure and problems with fishing boats but got through it OK.

1 comment:

  1. Fancy so many strawberries available. Lucky!
