Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Engine and Fan

I spoke with Judith at Columbia yesterday in the late afternoon. She expects Mexican Customs to take a full week to process the paperwork, which means that I can expect the engine to arrive in La Paz the week after next. That places the arrival at the end of this month or early in July, which suggests the completion of the installation sometime in July - just in time for the beginning of the hurricane season from August to October.

All sorts of tropical depressions will spiral up the western side of Mexico and the trick will be to identify which ones will approach La Paz. Since we won't be able to go to the safety of the northern reaches of the Sea of Cortez we will have to stay in the vicinity of La Paz where we can run into a marina while a tropical depression is still days away.

If the new engine is in place before the end of July we will probably take a short trip up to some of the islands to try out the engine and to enjoy some of the many anchorages between La Paz and Loretto, knowing that we can get back to La Paz within 2 days if we see trouble brewing.

We might then leave the boat in the safety of the Marina in August and take that trip to Costa Rica. We would have to return by the end of August because Brenda is due to return to Australia in early September. Time Flies.

During our telephone conversation I questioned Judith about the paltry 15% insurance coverage of the engine. I pointed out that were there to be a major accident I would lose over $10,000, so could I purchase more coverage? She replied that she would look into it but then asked me to hold on for a few seconds while she checked the policy. She came back and sheepishly told me that she had gotten it wrong: the policy had a 15% deductable and in fact my engine would have an 85% coverage. "Now your talking!" was my reply and then I told her that I was happy with the coverage.

I finished the day by re installing a fan in the forward V-berth area. The June weather in La Paz has been unusually cool, but we've been told to brace ourselves for hot weather from July onwards - along with thunderstorms and higher humidity. I could use a few thunderstorms because Pachuca's ropes and rigging are covered with desert dust.

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