Monday, June 21, 2010

Hot Weather Has Arrived

For weeks I've been hearing what a cool start to the summer that we've been having in La Paz, and Brenda was told how fortunate she was to get a chance to acclimatize from the Australian winter (mild as it is in Perth/Fremantle) before the serious heat arrived. Yesterday it arrived.

At 11 AM the temperature in the cabin was 40C (104F) when we began to put up our defenses. I zipped on and fastened the shade cloths on each side of the cockpit then did the same with the "link sheet" that connects the cockpit shelter to the compaionway spray dodger. The shade cloths stop the reflected heat from the ocean and yet allow whatever breeze there is to pass through. The link sheet keeps the sun off the cockpit sole and companionway, keeping the quater berth areas below the cockpit much cooler. We then put up a wind scoop which we improvised from a small plastic tarp which directed what breeze there was down the forward hatch. At the end of this activity the cabin temperature was down to 38C (100.4F).

A gentle breeze came up in the early afternoon which brought the temperature down to 35C (95F) and at 4.30 I went over the side to cool off and clean the propeller and shaft once again to make sure that they would be ready when we moved the boat to the marina the next day. Brenda had an early cockpit bath in the privacy of the shade cloth and I did the same when I emerged from the water at 5.30 PM.

We then went ashore and had a light meal at The Dock restaurant then set off for a walk along the foreshore toward the center of La Paz. There was still a warm breeze blowing as the sun was going down but nevertheless the temperature was much cooler and tolerable. This was Sunday evening and it did not surprise us to find the foreshore area very lively with people of all ages enjoying the cool of the evening. There were young boys break dancing under the admiring eyes of the girls, couples whizzing by on roller skates, real functioning nuclear families strolling with the children, and older people sitting on benches. This reminded me of Tahiti, but I understand that this is a pattern common to many warm countries. On the way back Brenda and I got ice cream cones then became part of the geriatric scene sitting on a bench looking out over the bay while we licked our cones. It had been a hard day. Even though I had not done a lot I felt wiped out and out of energy. Brenda felt the same. Welcome to La Paz in summer.

This morning we heard on the VHF22 net that the minimum temperature yesterday had been 81F and the maximum was 101F after 5 PM. During that radio session I learned that a lady called Helen from a boat named Sara Ann was heading to California on Wednesday and could take flat mail. I arranged for her to pick up a large envelope containing a signed pen lease contract for the Fremantle Sailing Club at the marina office. She will mail the envelope to Australia and let me know how much it cost when she returns in a few weeks.

We went ashore "early" at about 9 AM. Brenda had volunteered to go solo on the bicycle to CCC while I waited at the marina. Before we left the boat I saw that Brenda had set up the wind scoop like a seasoned expert. We saw some the morning coffee crew - Bob, Al, Ken, Dave - and after seeing Brenda off, disposing of the garbage, and dropping off the envelope at the marina office, I joined the guys at the coffee table where I was forced to endure a tease about sitting around drinking coffee while Brenda was out hunting and gathering in the heat. By then I had a firm slip assignment (no. 111) so that these men would know where to receive my lines when we came in tomorrow.

Ken has been kind enough to offer to drop Bob off on Pachuca at 10 AM tomorrow, which means that I will be able to ship the Zodiac onto the foredeck for the motor into the marina. It will be Bob, Brenda, and myself on Pachuca and whoever can make slip 111 to take our lines. What will make this a doubly heroic act of benevolence is that Mexico starts playing Uruguay at 8 AM.

Brenda returned to find me alone at a table having coffee. She joined me to finish her cool drink then Bob passed by again and while we were chatting Mac, the founder of the marina came by. Neil had earlier this morning mentioned getting advice on removing the engine from Pachuca to Mac (his father) and it it looks like the three of us and probably Joel the chief mechanic will discuss the project on Pachuca after she is safely tied up. I mentioned the 850 lb weight of the SABB engine to Mac and he said that it would be a problem - with the pushing the heavy weight on the floating jetty as well as the extraction. He thought it a good idea that I dismember the engine to lighten it up as much as possible. I don't know how many marinas would even consider allow this sort of engine work to be done at their jetty, but Mac and Neil have shown no hesitation.

The accompanying photos show Pachuca's heat defenses, with Brenda enjoying the breeze funneled by the wind scoop.

Brenda's Bird of the Day is a  Woodpecker. I saw it in a garden on our way to CCC when we were walking there a couple of days ago. Today I had to forget the bird and watch the traffic. Any woodpecker is exciting for an Australian as we have none there. Robert says they can chisel through aluminium.

We have included photos of two earlier BBODs. Magnificent Frigate Birds and Brown Pelicans. The pelicans are on an old hulk that is our nearest neighbour. The pink paint has been applied recently and we understand that this mark has been made on all neglected vessels in the area and that soon they will be removed before the hurricane season begins in earnest.


  1. The wind scoop looks cool - keep up the fluids folks ! Stephen F

  2. OMG very hot over there...freezing and showers a lot of the time in Esperance today.
