Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hotel California

We spent some time in the Hotel California during our visit to Todos Santos today.

We confirmed that this was not the Hotel California that the Eagles had sung about when we did not find the place full of people who had checked out but could never leave. Nevertheless it was an elegant hotel with superb decor and landscaping that Brenda and I found to be cool, soothing, and relaxing.

We walked in after our return to the town after a long walk to the "river" area. I was hankering for a beer and Brenda was thirsty too. We sat in the patio where Brenda had a cold lemon drink and I had two Sol beers with lime.

Note the signage to the rest rooms. Even a Martian should be able to figure out who goes where.


  1. Is the last picture, the toilet?
    No it must be a hand basin.
    (Do they have Western type toilets?)
    Very colourful and interesting hotel.
    Hope the weather is being a bit kinder to you - here it is much too cold as I am sure you have heard

  2. What a fabulous hotel. Yes, it sure looks relaxing!

  3. Mexico is full of squatters but it has nothing to do with toilets which are indeed Western style. Yes, that was the hand basin in the ladie's rest room. The men get to wee wee under the gaze of the bleached skull of some unfortunte animal. (I was going to spare the blog but you have spurred me to publish the photo of the skull in my next entry to show how tough men are down here.)
