Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lunch with Bob

We met Bob Carroll at The Dock restaurant at noon and had a leisurely and pleasant lunch out on the deck. Ken, a regular at the morning coffee sessions joined us.

After lunch Bob took Brenda and myself to a nice little hotel that he knew about. We were shown two of the rooms, one with views of the bay and the other one looking back toward the town. Brenda and I liked the very Mexican style of the small hotel, its location in on a quiet street, and its proximity to the marina. The hotel provides basic kitchen facilities which would be very useful.

Afterwards we did some spot checking of other hotels via the internet and found that the Posada LunaSol Hotel that Bob had showed us was the cheapest, so that is where we will stay if we are driven off the boat by the repowering effort.

Brenda's Bird of the Day is the Magnificent Frigate Bird. These can be seen cruising above the bay and the town all day and even before sunrise. The MFB is a large seabird with long angled wings (Robert says they look like bats) and a deeply forked tail. The trusty bird book says that they have the longest wings to body weight of any bird species. I missed a photo opportunity when one scooped up something (possibly a squid) from near Pachuca.

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