Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Engine Honeymoon

We expect to fuel up the boat in a few hours then motor out of La Paz and spend a night on anchor at Puerto Balandra, a picturesque bay not far from La  Paz.  We then hope to spend the next 6 or 7 days mooching around the bays of some of the local islands such as Espiritu Santo, Partida, and maybe San Jose near San Evaristo.  Winds are generally too light for sailing this time of the year, which suits us because we want to put some hours on the engine.

A possible fly in the ointment is a tropical depression named Frank, 3 or 4 days south of here.  Fortunately the latest prediction  is that it will pass to the west and pose no threat to Baja California.

I expect to send daily text only blog updates via Sailmail.


  1. Robert,
    What I have not seen is a plan to deal with the propeller pitch. The engine is running (as near as I can tell from the blog) at 2600 RPM which is 200 RPM below the low end of the recommended range. You could afford to gain as much as 600 RPM. Diesels are happy at about 80% power. If you adjust the pitch so that maximum RPM is mid-range of Volvo's recommendation, then the sweet spot for engine operation will give you a nice turn of speed. I think it is worth doing.
    Do you have a spare propeller? If so why don't you get it pitched properly. A diver can change propellers in the water. The make current propeller the spare. Is there a propeller shop in the area? If so, they could do the re-pitch and balance for you.

  2. Volvo publishes 2800 to 3200 for this engine. What this means translated into English is the cruise range. The propping still needs to be for 3200 period. No exceptions period. Robert is unable to find any body with the ability to re-pitch the prop. So plans to return to PT with the prop in a couple of months. Also buying a new prop down there is difficult.

    Robert: I recalculated the prop modifications Based on input diameter it said 17 X14. But noted under alternative gear ratio it listed the 2.6 ratio as 17X12. When using that program check both figures against each other. Then I always let the prop guy have his way if he thinks the computer program not accurate. In your case we will use the actual data you collect, not the computer recommendations.

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