Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Old and the New

This morning Brenda and I visited the workshop to take photos of new Volvo and the old Sabb engines.  They had been placed close to each other and I was planning to record a nice juxtaposition of the two engines.  But the Volvo had been moved so I had to photograph the engines separately.

I am including many photos of the new engine because it is surprising how often I find it useful to refer to a photograph for one reason or another.

This photo shows one of the two steel mount caps that have been sprayed with two coats of the same 2 part polyester paint that I used on the mounts.  Note the 5 holes drilled for the horizontal bolts and one hole for a vertical screw.

 When I visited the boat at 6 PM to take some supplies and make sure that it was locked up I saw that work had begun on fitting the steel caps on the engine beds.  Some of the horizontal half-inch thru-bolts have been fitted (5 per side, although some of them may have to be long screws).  There will be vertical screws at each end.  I questioned their efficacy to Neil given that they will be digging along the grain, but he pointed out that they would prevent lateral motion of the engine, which is really handy in a rolling boat.  The dark material in the bilge is wood savings.

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