Thursday, September 16, 2010

16 September Photos - 1

I emerged from the apartment this morning to see cars parked in every available space.  When I rounded the corner into Calle Maguez de Leon and saw that access to the waterfront Malecon was blocked and this entire end of the Malecon was being used as a staging area for a parade.  This was the 16th of September, Mexico's Independence Day (  I returned to the apartment, changed out of my working clothes, then went to the Malecon to take photos.  The parade was long and very colorful and here are a few of the photos that I took.  As I left to return to the apartment I could see the yachts milling around for a "motor by" as part of the ceremonies.  I had been invited several times to join in with Pachuca but with my floor boards scattered all over the boat I had a good excuse.
Note the persistent great weather.  I haven't seen any recordable rain (i.e. more than a few drops) since I arrived in May.  Also, don't forget that you can enlarge the photos with the left mouse button.

      Close Scrutiny From A Local

      We're Getting Serious Now

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