Saturday, September 4, 2010

Panoramic Photo of Calita Partida

This is a composite of three photos covering almost 180 degrees.  It was taken from Isla Espiritu Santo looking north to Isla  Partida, on the eastern side of the two spits of land that jut out from the islands.  The two spits of land could not have been better designed by an engineer.  The eastern spit juts out from Partida and looks like a breakwater with a beach on the other side.  The western spit juts from Espiritu Santo far enough away to form a very nice water course for small boats to pass from one side to the other.  The fishing camp is on one of the spits, with some beds out in the open for a cool night's sleep under the stars.

Pachuca and Bob Carroll's Adios are anchored on the other (western) side of the spits.

Bob told us that the Calita Partida anchorage is in fact the crater of a volcano.


  1. Would look great on a calendar of the world!

  2. Sorry -- I thought you knew about the Mexicana Airlines bankruptcy and am surprised that your travel agent didn't notify you. I knew about it days ago and could have notified you.

    I've been traveling and am now in Wisconsin, which hasn't helped.
