Monday, September 27, 2010


Forgive the prosaic photos of the rain but in La Paz for me it is a big deal. We're having the first serious rain since my arrival in Mexico and well, it could be Perth on warm spring day or even Seattle during a heat wave - except for the coconut trees.  I took the photos from the apartment.

On the boat decoration front I am poised to apply the white paint tomorrow morning.  I was hoping to do the job today but the masking tape work took about 4 hours.  The photos give an idea of what was involved but show only a fraction of the tape that I laid down.  I've learned the hard way that particularly with 2-part paint it pays to invest the time to set up a fast and clear run without trying to free hand edges and, worse, cleaning up smudges as I go. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope it is lots of rain...need it here to fill dams.
