Sunday, October 17, 2010

Going Walkabout

After the long slog of hard work on the boat I am looking forward to the pleasure of visiting Arnold and Sandra in Seattle both for Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays.

I am booked with Alaska Airlines to fly out of La Paz on Thursday 18 November and return to La Paz on Wednesday 5 January.

And of course it will be great to visit Port Townsend and its wonderful people again.

I could easily countenance a life of sailing the triangle between the Sea of Cortez, Hawaii, Port Townsend, then down the West Coast back to the Sea of Cortez in an endless loop, over and over and over again.  I would throw in variations such as Hawaii via the Tuamotus and Tahiti, and sashays from Port Townsend through the San Juan and Gulf islands, to Vancouver, then up the Inside Passage to Alaska.

Wow.  I'm tempted ... but maybe next lifetime.

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