Thursday, November 18, 2010

All My Bags Are Packed

... and I'm ready to go.

Everything fits in my one check-in duffle bag and carry-on backpack.  I'll also be carrying my Acer webtop.

My in-box this morning contained an email from Alaska Airlines by which I was able to check in and also pay the $20 bag fee.  I've now got my boarding passes through to Seattle.

Very efficient.

Ib and I will share a cab to the airport at 2.30 PM.  His wife Yadranka will arrive from the last leg of her flight from Australia, we'll exchange greetings, then I will board the same airplane for my first leg to LA.  I will board at 5.08 PM in La Paz and arrive at 11.40 PM in Seattle, where brother Arnold will be waiting for me.


I think that I figured out a solution to the problem of sufficient storage space for my anchor chain.  As you can see in the photo, I purchased a second plastic milk crate which fits neatly over the first one.  I will remove the floor from the top crate and wire its sides to the lower crate to hold them together.  I could add a third crate if necessary.  The flange at the bottom of the upper crate fits neatly into the lip at the top of the lower crate, ensuring that the floorless upper crate will not spread out under load.

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