Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Cold

I'm having my second bad cold during this brief stay in the Northwest.  I've gone through 5 large boxes of tissues and have deployed another three in my bedroom, the den, and the car.  I've got another 4 boxes in reserve in the garage from that packet of 10 that I got at Costco.  Elisa could hear me coughing last night from her bedroom in the floor above.

I sailed around the bottom of Australia in the Southern Ocean and across the Tasman Sea to New Zealand during winter. Arnold will remember my penchant for bathing in the frigid winter waters of The Bight and Wilson's Promontory.   All without any health health problems.  Go figure.

This is a beautiful day with the sun melting the light snow on the hot tub deck.  I was not able to go with Sandra and Elisa to a Picasso exhibition in Seattle as I had planned.  This is a photo of Elisa all rugged up for her trip to Seattle.

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