Thursday, January 6, 2011

Back in La Paz

I flew from Seattle to La Paz yesterday as scheduled.

Arnold was very ill with that second cold that I had just gotten over but he managed to drive me to Poulsbo where I boarded the shuttle bus to the airport at 4 AM.

The flight went well but the reception at La Paz was not as congenial as I would have hoped.  My new alternator got the attention of the Customs people and after an hour explanation, presentation of documentation, and more explanation I was told that I would not be liable for duty but they would hold the equipment at the airport until I visit the Aduana (Customs) at Pichilingue and presumably obtain some sort of clearance.  The airport Customs staff typed a letter that I must present to the Aduana (along with all of the documentation that I can muster).

Then a few minutes ago I was alerted by a reader of this blog that Jeanne Socrates has been rolled over near the Horn.  Fortunately she is OK but her boat Nereida was damaged.  (See

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