Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Engine Controls Intalled

Throttle Linkage
Joel was here at 8.30 AM to complete the installation of the new engine controls.

Fortunately he had found a connector for joining the cable to the gear shift lever.  As usual his work was measured and meticulous.  After starting the engine and testing the linkage he made some minor adjustments then pronounced the work "perfecto".

Mark had strongly advised me to have Joel do the installation rather than trying it myself, and how right he was.  It would have taken me 3 or 4 nerve wracking day to do it, and still I would be worrying about the robustness of the result.

The control cables are standard ones 18 ft long.  This has allowed generous loops at the engine end, but after doing some measurements I think that in future I will get 17 ft cables.  This will allow a straighter run to the accelerator and an adequate loop for the transmission.

Transmission Linkage
The engine is idling at about 750 rpm.

Doing the short time that we ran the engine I noticed that the voltage meter at the cockpit was creeping up nicely to 14 volts with no battery alarm.

Cable Loops
Using the computer translator I told Joel of my plans to head for the islands in 2 weeks for a month or so.  I told him that the engine at present has 25 hours on the clock and I expect it to have over 50 hours when I return.  I explained that on my return I will change the oil and filter myself because I must learn how to do it.  Joel didn't think that valve clearances would have to be checked but he would look at the engine alignment.

At this point it appears that Pachuca is ready for Sea.

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