Thursday, March 3, 2011

Going Walkabout

We expect to depart for Mazatlan on the ferry this evening at 7 PM.   It will be a 14 hour ride which will be made more pleasant by what appears to be an excellent restaurant on board as well as the cabin that we have booked.

 We need to arrive at Mazatlan tomorrow morning at 9 AM fresh and bright eyed because we'll need to have our wits about us to deal with a ... challenge ... on our first day.

Our travel guide expresses it as follows: "Mazatlan has Mexico's most flamboyant Carnival celebrations.  For the week leading up to Ash Wednesday, the town goes on a nonstop partying spree.  Be sure to reserve a hotel room in advance."  We are about 30 years too late for a nonstop partying spree.  And we are also too late to book a room.  Well, I tried one hotel and it was booked, and another one did not respond.
Preparations for Carnival Begin

But we have a plan!  After emerging from the ferry we will spend a few hours walking around the historic part of Mazatlan while trying to find accommodation.  If we fail to find accommodation we'll get on a bus and proceed to Tepic, 4-5 hours away on the road to Guadalajara. 

I will be taking my Acer netbook with the internet dongle paid up for the next 30 days.  We should be able to access email and manage the blog whenever we are within range of a mobile telephone tower.

I'm enclosing a photo that Brenda took 2 days ago.  La Paz may not have gotten a mention in the Carnaval stakes, but they take it seriously enough to have partially blocked off the Malecon, the important sea front drive, and started setting up the rides a full week before Ash Wednesday.  We heard on the morning VHF radio session that Carnival officially starts today.

It would have been nice to be in La Paz to have a look at this city's festivities, but it probably would have been just a look or two.  The only member at the Palapa morning coffee group who planned to see anything was Dave, who planned to walk for a pizza one night and have a look around.  Bob Carroll plans to clear out of town altogether in his boat.  Must be an age thing with all of us.

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