Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Teotihuacan, Mexico

Today we made the journey from Pachuca to Tiotihuacan, which we are pretty sure is in the state of Mexico. 

We had a dream run.  As we approached the corner where we could find a mini bus to take us to the central bus station one of them flashed its lights as it approached.  I nodded and the driver stopped, opened the door, and I stepped it with hardly breaking stride.  At the central bus station we purchased our tickets for Teotihuacan at 9.50 AM (total cost of 82 pesos) and ten minutes later we boarded the bus. 

We arrived in town at about 11 AM and after a cup of coffee where we got rough directions to the hotel "Posada Teotihuacan" that was mentioned in our Lonely Planet guide. We set off and found it after about 15 minutes of walking.  The hotel looked rough on the outside but we persevered and saw that the rooms, though small, were clean and modern.  The cost was only 250 pesos per night and I booked for 2 nights.

We expect to have a big day tomorrow visiting the ruins of Teotihuacan which are only about 2 km away.  Teotihuacan had its heyday in 200 to 500 AD and was the biggest city in ancient mesoamerica.  We are looking forward to seeing, among other things, the third highest pyramid in the world.

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