Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jak Arrived OK and Boat Moved

Jak arrived in La Paz last night pretty well as planned.

His flight out of Phoenix was very late, which put him in La Paz too late to catch the 5 PM shuttle to La Paz.  He caught the 6 PM Aquila bus out of San Jose de Cabo and arrived at the La Paz bus terminal at about 9.45 PM.  A big help was the fact that Jak's iPhone was smart enough to work in Mexico, which meant that we were in good SMS communication after Jak landed in San Jose.

I had gotten the keys to Apartment 9 on the top floor at noon that day which gave me just enough time to prepare the place.  After settling in we went to Rancho Viejo and had dinner on the terrace overlooking the bay.

This morning I gave Jak a tour of the Marina and introduced him to a few friends.  Then we spent several very productive hours going over the boat and discussing some of the tasks ahead.  In the early afternoon we prepared the boat for departure and I called for a line handler.  One man cast off our last line and two men were waiting at Slip 317 to take our lines.  Soon we had the boat connected to shore power and the internet then we went to The Dock cafe for some refreshments.

In the afternoon we took the bus to the big Chedraui box store for supplies, heavily biased toward fruit, juices, yogurt, and mineral water.  I also picked up plastic racks for drying the dishes and storing the cutlery.

1 comment:

  1. Seems you have some great stores nearby where you are staying...foods sound wonderful.
