Saturday, June 4, 2011

Emergency Steering Handover

Note Detachable Handle for Storage
This morning Sergio and his partner visited the boat to make the final fitting of the new emergency steering.  The fitting to the top of the rudder post was a bit tight and Sergio had to work a rat tail file for 30 minutes to get a good fit.

The photographs tell the story.  Note the end piece.  I expected him to find an off-the-shelf 1 inch square fitting then weld it onto the shaft.  Silly me: Sergio made his own with great style.  

Shaft Rotates Inside Retaining Collar With Little Friction
I tied ropes to the retaining collar to demonstrate the plan, which is to secure ropes to the pushpit then to tension the system using the jib winches.  I had retaining collar put a little high to ensure that there was a downward bias when the ropes are tensioned.  You can see that there was very little clearance between the end of the tiller and the backstay.  The end of the tiller is just far enough the center of the extended rudder post to meet Montitor's specifications.  This means that in the event of an emergency there will be a good possibility that the Monitor will be able to steer the boat using the emergency tiller.

I asked the English speaking partner to tell Sergio for me that he is a master craftsman and an artist.  His partner didn't bother to pass the message on because he said that Sergio already knew it.
Stabilizing the Retaining Collar

Deluxe End Fitting

Clearance to Backstay and Plenty of Room for Monitor Control Ropes or Simply Tying Off the Tiller

The charge for the tiller was 4,000 pesos.  At today's exchange rate that's $322 Aussie dollars or $343 Greenbacks.  That seems like pretty good value to me.

While Sergio was doing the filing I had a talk with his partner about the design and fabrication of that bench over the life raft that I mentioned in the last blog entry.  They will do the job.

On that high note I'll take what's left of this Saturday afternoon to deal with a bulging laundry bag and near empty refrigerator. 

The predicted high temperature for today is 101 F, and for tomorrow 103 F.  Our cold snap of the mid-90's is over.  That suits me fine.  I love this hot weather.

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