Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Teak On, Foredeck Frame Completed

I arrived at the boat at 8 AM to find that Reggie had just finished installing the teak surface on the new frame around the life raft.  I taken by surprise and told him that Sergio had left me skinned for cash and I'd have to make a quick dash to the ATM.  On the way to the ATM I popped into Lopez Marine and Hamish told me to expect the Dynaplate RF grounding shoe tomorrow.

On the way to take the money to Reggie where he is working at that gigantic boat at the end of the Jetty I popped into the cabin to get the latest exchange rate of USD to MXD (Mexican pesos).  The charge was $480 USD which may seem steep but was mostly for the teak planking, which is 20 mm (4/5") thick.

We had a nice chat and I told Reggie that Mexico is supposed to be the land of Manana, but he takes it literally and delivers the next day.  He told me a bit about himself.  He sailed into Mexico 15 years ago on the way to Australia, where he planned to immigrate.  He then learned that architects and designers were no longer on the Australian preferred migration list so he figured that there was no point in sailing there there.  He's built a life here in La Paz and says that he is very happy here.   ... I think that Reggie qualifies as another victim of the La Paz honey trap.

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