Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 3, Seats Cut, Started on Sole

Seats Ready for Bedding Down, Sole Started
Fortunately Reggie's face improved over night and he was able to work his normal day.  He has completed laying down the wood for the two cockpit side seats and has made a good start on the sole (floor).  In the photo note the fine work at the back of the seat where he cut a curve on the piece to match the coaming and dealt very nicely with the taper at the aft end.  I've included an earlier photo of the seat to contrast these new lines with the previous ones.   As I said previously, the wooden pieces are only temporarily screwed down.  Later on they will all be lifted for proper bedding down.

Reggie's 12 year old son is named Nahum, which he told me was from the bible, and sure enough there is a Book of Nahum in the Hebrew bible.
Note Boring Lines Previously on Seats

Bow Section Stripped and Ready for Re-Planking
I am spending less time on the boat while Reggie is at work because I am not able to help him and there is no point in me sweltering in the cabin bored and restless.  (It was 105.7 F in the cabin yesterday at 6 PM, and today it's down to 102 F.)  This morning I found the aluminum place that both Bob and Reggie told me about and came back with thin strips for fastening the lazarette door cover that Doug made for me.  Reggie said to get them at least 1/8" thick which was exactly what I was able to find.  The strips are 1/2" wide with nicely radiused edges.  I then spent most of the afternoon on my bed in the apartment enjoying the air conditioning.  Lest I get too soft, my plan for tomorrow is to ride the bicycle to the other side of La Paz toward Pichilingue to visit two marinas and have a look at their boats.  ... I think that I'll wear my sombrero rather than the Comex peak cap.

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