Saturday, August 13, 2011

Catalina 38

On one of my visits to San Evaristo I saw what appeared to be another Sparkman and Stephens 39.  The hull looked identical to Pachuca's but somehow the boat looked a bit smaller.  I went by and asked the owner if it was an S and S.  The captain told me that Catalina had commissioned Sparkman and Stephens to design their 38 footer and the result was the Catalina 38.

There was a Catalina 38 next to Pachuca at the boat yard and here are some photos that might be of interest.

1 comment:

  1. Catalina 38 is an S&S design, but it started life as the YANKEE 38. Catalina bought Yankee out of bankruptcy and retooled the deck. A much better built boat than other Catalina's.
