Monday, August 22, 2011

Cruise on Lakes

Seattle skyline from one of the lakes

Our Cruise Boat

Arnold chatting with guest

Floating Houses

Sandra at top middle
On Saturday afternoon a group of about 40 of us went on a cruise aboard the MV Fremont Avenue from Lake Union through a canal into Lake Washington, then back.  We were able to see Seattle from a unique perspective, with great views of parks, bridges, all sorts of commercial and recreational vessels, and of course the floating homes that have evolved from shacks built on rafts put together from logs stolen from the timber mill to the multimillion dollar gems that they are today.  We didn't have time to visit Bill Gates' starter home on Lake Washington.  He's somehow managed to cram 1.5 acres of house into his 4.5 acre property on the lakside.

It was a brilliant day with many boaters enjoying the lakes with the unique Seattle skyline in the background.  On board our boat everyone had a great time with our own brand of recreational boating, which included plenty of food, drink, and laughter.  I understand that the group - Sandra and her work colleagues - plan to make it an annual event.

 Sandra and Friend

Inter Lake Canal

Seattle Skyline
Here are a few of the many photos that I took.

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